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The Perfect CBD For Cyclists!

Blackhouse Botanicals CBD Chamois Bud'r is the evolution of CBD for Cyclists. Chafing, swelling, discomfort, and saddle sores are an ongoing battle for cyclists and runners. Pressure, friction, moisture, and bacteria all contribute to saddle sores. This is why CBD for cyclists makes perfect sense. Research shows cannabinoids and botanical extracts naturally fight fungi, viruses, and bacteria, so you keep things copasetic in your nether region.  Blackhouse perfected the use of CBD for cyclists because we are cyclists.  Essential oils and green tea extract help soothe delicate skin. Arnica Montana doubles down on the inflammation-fighting abilities of our CBD cream. This silky smooth CBD cream is pH-neutral and works for everyone. You can even use this potent cream with CBD for cyclists on your battered hips, knees, and lower back and get twice the relief for the same price. Once you try our anti-chafe cream with CBD for cyclists, you will never go back! Don't believe us? Click one of the links below and see what the experts say.


Check out our testimonials page to see just how game-changing CBD for cyclists can be!


Click Here for Bike Mag's review of this next-level CBD Chamois Bud'r!

Click Here for Blister Review's take on our amazing CBD Chamois Bud'r!

Click Here to take our CBD quiz and get personalized recommendations! 

Blackhouse Botanicals | CBD Chamois Bud'r | CBD For Cyclists

  • Aloe Vera Gel, Arnica Oil, Castor Oil, Cetyl Alcohol, Citric Acid, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Coconut Oil, Decyl Glucoside, Full-Spectrum Cannabiniod Oil, Germall Plus, Green Tea Extract, Lanolin, Jojoba Oil, PEG100, Shea Butter, Sunflower Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Vegetable Glycerin, Vitamin E, Water, Xantham Gum 

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